Myofascial Release is an osteopathic technique that is specifically
used to address the connective tissue matrix of the body.
This therapy addresses the connective tissue restrictions
anywhere in the body. This gentle hands on therapy re-establishes
the slide and glide quality of connective tissue which may
have been lost through trauma, surgical scarring, chronic
repetitive movements or sustained poor posture.
This therapy is ideally suited for those with chronic pain,
acute injury or surgery recovery, repetitive strain presentations
and more. The benefits are reduced pain, increased freedom
of movement and a rebalance of musculoskeletal function.
What can you expect as a client?
You will be asked to sit or lie on the treatment table clothed.
Once the site of treatment has been ascertained, the therapist
with place one hand on top of your body and one underneath
at the location of dysfunction. A gentle ‘unwinding’
will occur as the tension patterns are released. You as the
client may perceive heat as the energy of the tension is let
go, decrease pain and more. This therapy works well with Strain-Counterstrain,
Neural Tissue Tension Technique and Muscle Energy.