Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) is a unique combination of
diagnostic and treatment approaches that assess and treat
pain, dysfunction and disability. IMT was developed by Sharon
Giammatteo, Ph.D., I.M.T.C. over the past 30 years. The IMT
practitioner can assess and treat for restrictions in the
skeletal, muscular,fluid and electrical systems of the body.
The emotional and mental stresses that may be contributing
to the presenting dysfunction are also addressed.
This type of therapy investigates and treats not from the
symptoms, but looks at the underlying causes in a more global,
less compartmentalizing way. The benefits of this approach
to care is that it is a ‘gentle hands on through the
clothes therapy’. Pain is reduced or eliminated, joints
are rebalanced and fluid presssures are normalized.
Integrative Manual Therapy consists of the following skill
• Muscle
• Neural Tissue
• Cranial
• Visceral
• Strain
• Myofascial
• Myofascial
• And more …..
IMT is ideal for chronic pain, injuries, sciatica, headaches,
TMJ, sinuses, low back pain and more.